0025 Thrive and Connect: Suicide Survivors: Katelyn Neil

National Suicide Prevention Life Line 1-800-273-TALK, that’s 1-800-273-8255.

Katelyn Neil (myoil@outlook.com) of doTERRA Oils (www.doterra.com) discusses the benefits if essential oils for mental health problems such as PTSD.hope-candle-hands11205410_s

Katelyn describes how she personally uses essential oils in managing her PTSD to get an immediate, positive effect. Nasal inhalation of essential oils creates a positive mood change. This has the added benefit of avoiding the side-effects of certain psychoactive medications. This is especially important since she breast feeds her son. Katelyn stresses there are circumstances where psychoactive drugs are needed and essential oils cannot replace them. However, as in the case of breast feeding, there is little research as to the effect of psychoactive drugs in certain situations.

The high standards to which the firm she represents, doTerra Oil, it holds itself are discussed. This is critical because in the essential oils industry there are producers who do not necessarily commit to high standards.

Katelyn describes how she carries essential oils with her and uses them during panic attacks. This includes nasal inhalation, topical application, and drinking as a mixture with water.

The impact on the limbic system is mentioned.

As an Iraq war veteran, Katelyn shares her experience with fellow veterans who withdraw and refuse help for their mental problems. She and her husband, a fellow Marine veteran teach fellow former Marine veterans the benefits of and how to use essential oils.

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